

El examen Anglia Pre-Intermedio es A2 + en el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia. Se examinará en las cuatro habilidades de leer, escribir, escuchar y hablar (opcional).

¿Qué prueba Pre-Intermediate?

La habilidad de expresar acuerdos con declaraciones positivas y negativas , el pasivo, el segundo condicional, el presente perfecto continuo, más verbos compuestos , comprensión de un mayor vocabulario, etc.

¿Qué debe hacer el candidato en el examen Pre-intermediary?

una composición corta
un breve mensaje informal
Preguntas de respuestas múltiples
Transformación de oración
Reorganizar el orden de las palabras
Declaraciones verdaderas / falsas

Indicadores de desempeño

El estudiante

escribe un breve texto conectado sobre temas descriptivos, narrativos o imaginarios
leer y comprender un texto de una gama familiar de temas
distinguir y usar una variedad de tiempos verbales: pasado, presente y futuro
hacer y responder preguntas sobre eventos pasados, presentes o futuros
expresar la intención básica, propósito, obligación, preferencia, consejo, acuerdo y desacuerdo, hipótesis y proceso

Gramática y estructura de los contenidos del examen Pre- Intermediate de Anglia

The passive voiceTalking about a process, Omitting the active subjectThe best computer games are made in Japan.
The new church was built last year.
The second conditional - if / past tense + would / non finite verbTalking about hypothetical situations musing
If I worked harder, I would get higher marks.
If I won some money, I would buy a new car.
Present perfect continuousExpressing unfinished or recently completed actionsHow long have you been living in London?
The gerund after certain verbsI enjoy learning English.
I hate eating spaghetti.
Non finite verbs in particular phrases: e.g. make someone do something, let someone do somethingExpressing persuasion and permissionMary's parents let her drive their car.
My father made me do my homework.
I' would rather + non finite verb I had better + non finite verb (Both of these in contracted forms too: I'd better, he'd better, we'd rather etcExpressing preference and adviceI would rather eat fish than meat.
You had better take an umbrella or you'll get wet.
I'd rather eat...
You'd better take...
For and since More adverbs of frequency, manner, time or degreeExpressing time periods from a point in the past, relating them to the present Describing how often, when, how, and how much people do somethingI have lived in this house for five years. I haven't swum in the sea since last summer. I'm still here. He's already finished. That bird rarely visits Britain. We hardly knew him.
Neither do I/so do IExpressing concurrence with a positive or a negative statement Expressing concurrence within a positive or negative statementI don't like playing computer games.
Neither do I.
I like eating chocolate.
So do I.
Jane loves chocolate and so do her friends.
I don't like cabbage and neither does my sister.

An example

An essay at this level
The Worst Week of My Life
The worst week of my life was when my dog died.
It was such an beautiful and sweet animal. My parents bought him for me when I was
five years old. His name was Bobby. He died two years ago. He was sick and the only
thing that he did was sleeping. And when he died I couldn't sleep for a week. I missed
I couldn't eat that whole week. I've still got his pictures. That same week I went to the
shopping centre with my friends and I was still a bit tired. We went together to an
animal shop and my friends bought a new dog for me. We called him Tommy. He
looked the same as Bobby, but Tommy was younger. I often think about Bobby, but I'm
getting over it.
135 words