

El examen Anglia ADVANCED es el nivel  B2 en el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia y un Aim Awards Nivel 1 en el marco nacional de calificación del Reino Unido.

¿Qué prueba Advanced?

Comprensión de verbos seguidos del tiempo pasado, hipótesis y deducción con modales, diversos usos del infinitivo, más verbos compuestos, inversión, colocación y modismo y un aumento de vocabulario .

¿Qué debe hacer el candidato en el examen ADVANCED?

una composición
dos mensajes, formales e informales
Preguntas de respuestas múltiples
Transformación de oración
Transformación de palabras
Tomar nota
Verdadero / falso / no dice declaraciones

Indicadores de desempeño

El estudiante

escribir textos claros y claros sobre temas descriptivos, narrativos, imaginarios o discursivos
escribir cartas, tanto formales como informales
comprender y responder a los puntos principales de un texto sobre cualquier tema, concreto o abstracto
utilizar el lenguaje para realizar cualquier función que pueda surgir en un contexto social o de aprendizaje normal
manipular las estructuras para crear énfasis y variar el estilo y el idioma
escuchar y responder a pasajes y preguntas en una variedad de formas, entregados a un ritmo medido

Gramática y estructura de los contenidos del examen ADVANCED de Anglia

The inversion of subject and verb after certain negative adverbial introductions, e.g. never, rarely, hardly ever, not only, little, seldomCreating emphasis, varying style and idiom
Never have I seen such a terrible film.
Little did he know he would one day be Prime Minister.
Not only was it raining, it was also cold.
I wish, it's about time, it's high timeExpressing hypothesis, regret, decision making and the need for decision makingI wish I had £1million.
It's high time we did some work.
It's about time he bought a new car..
Using modal verbs followed by the non-finite and perfect non-finite verb using willExpressing hypotheses and deductions in varying degrees of certaintyJane will be in bed at this time of night.
They should have heard the telephone. They must have gone out.
He can't have finished his homework. If he had, he would have put it on my desk by now.
John might be sitting in the theatre already.
After certain verbs After certain adjectives After question words The perfect infinitiveI hope to hear from you shortly. We can't afford to give you a pay rise. I
want you to do something for me. It’s very difficult to explain. Tell
me where to go/ how to get there/ what to say. I'd love to have met him.
He doesn't seem to have done it.

An example

An essay at this leve
Watching television is a waste of time. Discuss. I believe that watching television is a waste of time, because nowadays there is nothing good on television anymore. There are too many commercial channels that have one goal: to make as much money as they possibly can.
These channels try to manipulate people by making their programmes 'spectacular' but the truth is that a lot of these programmes are plain disgusting. Especially their documentaries are like this, they are not humane anymore. Of course, the public channels cannot stay behind so they will try to bring some excitement into their programmes as well. Their power is decreasing but what can we do about it? People want spectacle, they want fireworks!
The worst thing about these commercial channels is the fact that they pretend to be sophisticated while they are really not. They say that the goal of their documentaries is to 'give an objective insight in the society we live in' but what they are really doing is making fun of people, and they know that this will appeal to the audience. All of this just to make more money.
If this trend continues, I do not want to turn my t.v. anymore. Watching television has become a complete waste of time and people should realize that there are much better things to do in this world than watching other people's misery. For instance: go read a book!
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