Business English – Proficiency


¿Qué debe hacer el candidato en el examen Proficiency in Business ?

Competencia en los negocios

En un entorno comercial típico, el alumno puede:
seguir las presentaciones o intercambios típicos de las reuniones de negocios y convertir con precisión la información de ellos en una representación gráfica aceptable
resumir la información de una amplia gama de diferentes fuentes habladas y escritas
tratar con textos comerciales más largos y complejos
escribir un informe coherente y estructurado
controlar el lenguaje de los negocios y manipularlo para fines específicos

Resumen de tareas del examen Business English Proficiency de Anglia

Part 1Listen to talk / presentation and complete gaps in text with one or two words.20 marks
Part 2AListen to a conversation and complete missing data on graph and other information.10 marks
Part 2BAnalyse completed info and write email giving overview and/or drawing conclusions.20 marks
Part 3Compare services/ products of four different companies. Write a structured report, comparing and contrasting,
drawing conclusions and making recommendations.
30 marks
Part 4Read ten news articles and, match with appropriate headline.10 marks
Part 5Cloze passage. 10 gaps to complete in text.
10 marks

Exam Content

Part OneIn this section the candidates hear spoken information, for example a sales presentation, containing numbers, figures and/or statistics. They hear the information twice. On the question paper they are given a graph or table onto which they must plot the information they hear. This task tests their ability to understand the raw material in spoken form and convert it into an acceptable graphic representation.
Part twoThis second listening section of the paper takes a different form. In this section, the candidates hear a speaker giving a talk or presentation at, for example, a meeting or conference. The candidates have the text of the talk in front of them, with some information missing. As the first part of their task, the candidates must complete the missing information in the text. As the second part of their task, the candidates must provide a short summary, about 50 words, of part of the talk, typically the end, or concluding remarks. This section thus tests both detailed understanding and broad understanding of the spoken input.
Part ThreeIn this section, the candidates are given written information on a business topic. Any business topic may be used, from taxation to marketing, from health and safety issues to the latest management theory, from product specifications to problems of late payment. The candidates must provide a report based on the texts given, of about 200 words. The rubric of this section indicates who the target readers are, and therefore how the candidates should structure their report.
Part FourThis section, which complements section three, also requires the candidates to write a written report of up to 200 words, but this time based on given sets of facts and figures. The rubric of this section indicates to the candidates the way in which their reports must be structured, for example to support a particular argument or make a particular case. These two sections together give the candidate the opportunity to show that they are in control of the language of business and can manipulate it for specific purposes.
Part FiveThis section tests the candidates' reading skills. The candidates read an introductory text and then a number of related articles to which they must then match suitable titles. This involves applying global reading skills to the texts. The texts may be on any business-related topic, for example newspaper articles on the funding of different projects or texts from a brochure describing different travel services
Part SixIn this final section of the top level examination, candidates are asked to complete a gap-fill test on a business-related topic. There are six gaps in a given text which the candidates must fill. The gap-fill is open, rather than multiple choice. This tests the candidates' understanding of the overall meaning of the text, and their understanding of its discourse and grammatical structure, together with their ability to find the correct vocabulary for the specific gaps.